Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lauren & Mark....and some huskies!

Lauren owns Balmedie based Flawless Beauty and having met up with her again at the recent wedding exhibition, she contacted me to shoot some images for her upcoming fundraising expedition to Lapland, where she and her partner Mark will cross the country on a husky trail. To get a few tips (and more importantly to get an idea of what they've let themselves in for!) they met up with sled racers Val & Kevin, and we grabbed a few shots while we there.

Lauren & Mark are raising money for the Intensive Therapy Unit at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, and have paid for their trip themselves to ensure all money raised goes straight to the charity. To read more about their trip or to donate money, please visit

Thanks again to Val & Kevin for 'loaning' us their huskies & good luck Lauren & Mark!