Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fancy A Complimentary Guestbook or Signature Mount For Your Wedding?

After getting some great feedback on our new wedding guestbook, we have decided to offer all couples who book their wedding photography with us before 31st March a complimentary guestbook worth £225!

Our pre-wedding shoots are an ideal opportunity to get to know each other a little better before the wedding itself, and by featuring your favourite images from the session, this personalised guestbook is the perfect way to record the thoughts and best wishes of your friends & family on your wedding day.

Alternatively, you can choose to have a signature mount created - choose your favourite image, and have a mounted version on show at the wedding for all of your guests to sign, before finishing it in the frame of your choice.

With our wedding photography starting at just £1325, contact us on 01674 671315 or
e-mail for more details...